Paul Wellstone - (2002-10-26, 11:08 a.m.)

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Our current Senator was killed in a plane crash yesterday. I feel very badly that it happened, even if I am totally against most of his political views.

Let me explain...

Living in Minnesota is great, but we have super-high taxes. It's ridiculous. That's why Fargo is growing more than Moorhead. Fargo is in ND, and Moorhead is in MN. With lower taxes, everyone goes to ND rather than MN. The population of Fargo is at least two times that of Moorhead.

Yes, I'm obviously a Republican. Yeah. I'm military family. Did you really expect me to be a Democrat?

I've talked before about what completely shitty housing most people had at the "Crossroads of the Marine Corps" in Quantico. Yeah. Houses falling down, being condemned, and people were expected to live in the itsy bitsy adjacent townhome. Great stuff, no?

What I'm saying is that many of our friends lived in very substandard housing. Stuff that wouldn't be allowed to be habitable off a military base. And here are all the lazy fucks that come to Minnesota because we have such great welfare.

Granted, welfare is a great thing for those that need it. However, there is wayyyyyy to much abuse going on in this state for me to agree with any of Paul Wellstone's politics. He raised our taxes way to much to pay for the welfare recipients.

It's all about "feeling good" here in MN. Yeah, it just makes me want to puke. I work hard for my money, and wouldn't expect anyone else to support me or my family if I lost my job. Maybe I'm crazy, I don't know. Even when we were literally living paycheck-to-paycheck we still managed to have some sort of emergency savings. When I lost my job I didn't go on unemployment. I sucked it up and got *gasp* another job!

So. At any rate, I'm very sorry for what happened to Paul Wellstone and his family, even if I don't agree with his views.

This one kind of turned into a rant, and I'm pretty sure that I'll get some flames from it, but you know what? I live here, and I'm the one that had to put up with all his tax increases. Eh. I voted, so I have the right to bitch.

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