Spoiled Spoiler - (2002-10-20, 9:01 a.m.)

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Guess what my goofy husband bought for me???

He bought me a spoiler for my car off Ebay! I had no idea that he was even thinking about this--I asked for a spoiler when I got my car, or I think I just said something like "a spoiler would sure be cool" or something like that. LOL Leave it to Hubby to give a car gift.

I must say though I was super surprised. He took me out to the shop after he had sanded and primed it once and showed me. I was just shocked! So I'm driving his car today and he's going to put the completed spoiler on my car this afternoon. The only thing is the paint job that he did on the spoiler is nicer than the factory paint on the rest of my car. :D

Other than that, I've been keeping busy. I work Sunday-Thursday this week and then have a three day weekend. For my day off yesterday I spent it mostly on the couch resting, and I feel much better today. Homer-kitty spent all afternoon laying on my legs or stomach, just sleeping there like a little slug. He's so cute! So I read and napped the afternoon away.

We got some more snow this morning, just a light dusting. The geese are flying South for the winter, the leaves are falling off the trees and there's a crisp in the air that wasn't there a week ago. The harvesting around here is completed, for the most part, and the sugar beet trucks are starting to haul the beets into town for processing. We put plastic on the outsides of our windows like the ghetto-children we are...just kidding. But we do plastic some of our windows as they leak so badly! I know it's ghetto, but when it's 40 degrees F below zero, we need all the heat we can get out of the heater.

At any rate, I'm going to go back to doing nothing here at work. I miss my "real" job so much! Have a peaceful Sunday.

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