Bridesmaids and Rest - (2002-10-18, 5:14 p.m.)

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And so it goes on.

My head is full of rocks today, I swear. I'm tired, getting crabby and still not feeling all that great. Tired, achy and sore.

Need to do some work for Faecat as she's been the first one to select one of my designs. :) Yay!!!

I also need to work more on the Beautify. So there's lots to do. And I only have one day off! But next weekend will be a three day weekend, and that is something desparately needed.

But for tonight, I think I might mess around a bit online and then snuggle on the couch with my electric blanky (yes, I'm almost 27 and I have a blanky 'cause it makes me feel all snuggly) and watch some idiot box. :)

My Mom also made a pot roast with all the goodies that go with it. Yes, I'm a true MidWestern, loving my meat and potatoes and corn. Heh.

I also wanted to look around a bit online as one of my best girlfriends has asked me to be in her wedding! *happy dance* She's thinking either a rich red or gold--either one would be super beautiful with the church and reception hall, so we'll have to see what we can come up with. She sent me this beautiful link to the dress that she's found, and it's fantastic! I love weddings, I really do. And I love to help planning, because I remember what it was like for me. I would have NEVER gotten it all done without my Mom and bridesmaids! So I want to be sure that I help her as much as she needs/wants. Wedding planning can be very stressful. But it's all soooo worth the end result!

Nothing like a night where you know you don't have to go to work tomorrow...

last - next

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