Chick Flick and Snow - (2002-10-17, 3:37 p.m.)

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Guess what I woke up to this morning? About three inches of snow! And a plugged head of course.

I'm feeling a bit better today, however my cold is traveling down my throat into my chest. That's bad, bad stuff.

I'm trying to visualize the antibiotics as little fighting men that are kicking some virus butt. "They" say that positive thinking does the trick, right?

We'll see.

I'm starting to think about what I should make for a button for my design site. Something simple for sure. But what??? I'll have to play with that this weekend. :) Of course, I have to get another design done for someone also, but I just haven't been feeling like working on any with being all stuffed up and generally miserable.

I watched one of my favorite movies today, Bed of Roses. If you haven't seen it and are wanting a great chick flick, go get rent it! It gives me the warm fuzzies. :)

Nothing else really new to discuss. See you tomorrow! Hopefully by then I won't feel so icky.

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