Head full of bread dough - (2002-10-16, 6:08 p.m.)

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I am so stuffed up I can't hardly believe it. I haven't had a sinus infection in years, but that's what this whole mess is. I slept off and on until about an hour ago (it's 6 PM) and even sitting here I'm tired.

So I'm taking some antibiotics that hopefully will help me beat this stupid sinus infection. God--I just hate being sick! This has not been a healthy fall for me.

Hell, the last year hasn't been so great either. Between depression, fighting with my body to find the right medication that won't make me into a zombie, make me tired and irritable or just plain not work, I'm not doing all that great on the health front. And then I get stressed out about it and get migraines. What's a girl to do?

I'm so achy, sore, whiny and my head feels like someone filled it up with something the consistency of bread dough. My nose hurts from all the kleenex and wiping and stuff. Yuck. What a beauty queen I must appear to be.

The only cool thing that happened today was that when I was napping, I had all four kitties on the bed. It's so good to know that my furry-kids love me that much. Or maybe they love the electric blanket that much. Who knows.

But I prefer to think it's me that they love. :)

If you haven't already, go look at this! It's not done, but it's getting there!

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