Girly Stuff and ??? - (2002-10-12, 12:27 p.m.)

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What is the line between friendly and flirty? I had a hard time figuring this out when I was single, but now that I'm married I didn't think that I would have to worry about that kind of crap anymore.

What is it? This concerns me.

Anyhow, onto better topics. At least not so mind-numbing anyhow. :)

I went out with my friend Angie last night and had just a fantastic time. She's wonderful! I had known her through mutual friends, and then she came and worked at my company on my account. So needless to say I get to see her more often--and of course this is a good thing. She's just so great to talk to and funny and sweet. It's good to just hang out with the girls. There ended up being a group of people there at the bar from work last night, so it was fun being able to bs with them outside of work. :) I felt wild and beautiful last night. I was having a great hair day too!

Speaking of work, it's one of my friends' 21st birthday tonight, so we're going out and making plans to show her around town! So I'm excited for this too. She's a help desk agent, which means that she's kind of a supervisor, but kind of not. So at least I won't be the only "managementy" kind of person there. Sometimes I get the feeling that I make others uncomfortable as they think I'm not going to be able to separate professional and personal.

We're also having the baby shower for my co-worker on the QA team this afternoon at my house. I got her the cutest little outfit and a beautiful soft sparkly blue blanket. I've never felt anything softer! It's just so beautiful. And I hope she loves it!

I've got candles glowing all over the house putting out wonderful winterberry and cranberry scents. I have kitties curled up in chairs. I finished cleaning this morning and gave the house a quick revacuum. I have the satellite tuned to the 80's station on the stereo. I would say that I'm wearing that soft red fuzzy sweater and cute jeans. My co-workers are taking care of the food. It's cold and windy outside, so hopefully they will all find my little house cozy.

Here's to fantastic martinis and intelligent enlightening girly talk!

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