Preparation - (2002-10-10, 11:59 a.m.)

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So it's finally almost the weekend.

That means that I REALLY need to clean some house. With the baby shower coming up and everything...of course I still need to buy a present for her too. God, sometimes I think I'm crazy for working this shift. Not like I have a choice. *ahem* But I guess I'll be hitting Wal-Mart after I get done with work tonight.

Last night was fun. A friend and I went out for drinks--we were discussing meeting up with some others, but it just didn't work out that way.

It was just flat out wonderful. Sometimes there are people that are just good for your soul, you know? Soul food is good stuff. It's needed. And I just don't want to go into that any further. It's so fantastic to have someone talk to you that is 100% non-judgemental. Not to mention a great listener!

I've been having some whoppers of strange dreams lately. I remember waking up this morning at around 6:30 AM (about the time that Hubby smacked me in the nose by accident) just thinking how crazy my dream was. Not as crazy as SBD but still pretty out there. And for the life of me I can't remember what it was about now. Maybe it was just the tequila. Who knows.

I should go get ready for work or clean up or something. Yuck.

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