Work and Bubble Baths - (2002-10-09, 11:37 a.m.)

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I have a new request for a custom design. Yay! So hopefully I'll be able to get that done this weekend. God knows that I don't get anything done when I'm working from 2-10:30 PM. Last night I was so PMS-y that I came home and took a nice long steamy bubble bath and went to bed. Well, actually I went to couch, as Hubby's snoring has been more than a little bit out of hand over the last two nights.

I've come up with some new ideas for designs without images too. :) Those are so much harder for me to figure out. Mostly I think it's because images inspire me. I'm not a math like thinker so I have a harder time working without inspiration.

The design site is slowly but surely coming along. I need to get some more things uploaded before anything else, and make sure that everything looks okay in 800x600 as well as 1024x768. But I have 12 designs completed and ideas for about a billion that should be a great start. Some are very simple for people that aren't all that great with html, and some are a bit more advanced. So yeah, I'm having fun with it.

I have to host a baby shower this weekend, and somewhere around these next few days I have to get a baby shower present and card as well as make sure that my house is clean. Hubby has Guard this weekend so he's not going to be around all that much either, so I'm pretty much on my own for getting the house clean, which just stinks. I don't have the motivation to do so even though I know it needs to be done.

If I could get him to just clean the bathrooms I could get the rest done no problem. I just did that huge clean on our living room, so the rest of just vacuuming and dusting could in theory not take me to long.

God, working the afternoon/evening shift just makes me so lazy though!!

I had a nice surprise at work again yesterday. My friend S**** was there again working overtime. He just makes me giggle all the time. Ang. was there too. She's just such a sweetie, and I knew her before she was working with my company through some mutual friends. We've been super duper busy, but it's still nice to be able to help them figure out stuff.

It's such a blessing to truly like the people that you work with. It really is. Even though my feet hurt something awful when I'm on them for 8 hours a day. Not used to that!

Anyhow, that's about all that's going on around here. :)

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