Yucky - (2002-10-04, 5:55 p.m.)

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I feel...poopy. Not literally of course, but sinusy achy stuffy icky poopy type. Yuck.

I came home from work last night, took a shower with Johnson's Vapor bath, put on my coziest sweats and sweatshirt and curled up on the couch for the whole evening with the electric blanket. Which of course means that the kitties just come running! They love the electric blanket. It's so cozy. :)

So I slept with that last night, and Hercules came in all cold and wet as it's been raining here, and snuggled up with me under the covers. Wet cats don't feel all that great, but he was cold and I love him. So I let him.

That's about it--I've spent most of my day sleeping either in bed or on the couch. I guess my Mom was here but I don't remember.

I have a question too. And this is probably just because I don't feel well and am pretty doggone cranky. Why do people keep asking me if I want to do things when I'm sick? Um...I didn't go to work today, I spent most of the day sleeping and you're thinking that I want to go out for supper and whatever? Nope. Don't have any plans further than this chair, the couch and the bed.

I freaking hate being sick. I really do.

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