Surprise! - (2002-10-03, 8:57 a.m.)

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Do you like it? If you find any errors, please let me know. :) I know there's one in the guestbook, but I'll leave that to you to find if you can.

I am so tired today. Totally PMSing and very stuffed up. I didn't sleep well last night as it was colder in our bedroom than I'm used to. Fall is definitely here.

I'm also working on a design for my templates site, and I'm very happy with how it's coming out. I totally changed the idea that I had initially according to this super fantastic image that I found. So it's not what I had planned, but I'm loving how it's turning out. Hopefully I should have it done in the next week or two.

Of course, I have to finish her guestbook, and design a layout for her as soon as she sends me a photo. So I've got lots of stuff going on. :) But I like having all this stuff to do, along with some really cool ideas from images that I've found from free photo sites.

But don't worry, if you're interested I'll be sharing my sources with everyone as soon as I get that site up. Until then you're just going to have to guess. Heh.

That's about all for today, I hope you like the new design! I do. And that's what is important, right?

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