Lavender? - (2002-08-30, 7:03 a.m.)

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It's all rainy here today. I'm never going to get all my weeds pulled!!! I figure I have about 2 hours left of work and then I'll be done.

I need to go to Wal-Mart tonight too. New sheets, maybe a new comforter set, and some Johnson's Baby lotion in Lavender.

Speaking of lavender, I'm thinking about redoing my layout. I'm pretty html challeneged, so I may be asking around...or looking for volunteers.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my layout that I've had. It's just that I've been here for almost a year, and feel that I've evolved enough as a person and a writer that I'm needing a change. If Blaise wasn't so busy, I would ask her, but she's super occupied with classes starting up again.

I was looking around last night and found a couple of things that I really liked. I love Kiki's stuff, always have. Something between her "Fragile" layout and this.

Lavender has become my new healer. With all the depression and difficulty sleeping, I've become a lavender junkie. I feel that it represents who I've become in the last year or so. Plus, purple is my favorite color. :)

I may try to play around a bit and see what I can come up with, but I don't really have the time right now to learn all that. I'll have to see how it goes.

Anyhow, in other news Hubby and I had a talk last night. It's pretty personal, and I don't want to share his stuff here, as he hasn't given me permission to do so. So, sorry. I think it would hurt his feelings if I went off on a ramble about it, so I'll just have to save it.

Happy Friday everyone! Have a wonderful weekend.

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