Brainstorming - (2002-08-31, 10:28 a.m.)

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Okay, I'm making some progress on what I'm thinking of for a design. She's being a huge help, sending me pictures and helping me brainstorm. Gotta love friends like that!

I probably will always have problems with tables though. I understand them. But I can't get them to work. I'm trying to work in Microsoft Front Page, and am figuring things out as I go along. I have one of those non-abstract minds that sees things in shades of grey instead of black and white and all mathematical.

The older I get, the more my creativity seems to go down the tubes too.

Although my boss says that I'm the "Kindergarden Teacher" of my account as I'm always making cute little artsy things. It just seems that my creativity is more "there" when I'm at work. Don't ask me why, I have no idea.

As for my layout though, I'm seeing soft lavender, greens and vivid blues on a white or creamy colored background. Kind of like a watercolor type effect. I have a graphic that I made that I would like to make into an image map, but I'm clueless as to how to do that.

If you're interested, you can see what I've been playing with here. It's soft and pretty, I just need to size it correctly and play with it. I want a static image on the left and then the entry on the right. I'm thinking that I will have to add more stuff, like a link for the guestmap, my links, my reviews and pictures. Crap, I forgot about them Maybe I'll just have a pulldown menu. That would be easier and less cluttered.

Okay, I'm brainstorming right here, aren't I?

But I think a pulldown menu would work nicely, now that I think about it. Or two--as I have many links on my current design that I would like to keep.

Any thoughts on this???

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