Food! - (2002-08-28, 7:01 a.m.)

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I soothed my soul with music from Erykah Badu on the way to work this morning. I'm trying to do things that make me happy more, and think more clearly about things.

The sun was just rising, and the mist was swirling around in the breeze. It's a beautiful morning.

Of course, it doesn't hurt my mood that yesterday one of my co-workers bought me lunch, nor does it hurt that we're having a potluck this afternoon.

Mexican--my favorite.

I made Spanish Rice how my girlfriend taught me. She's 1/2 hispanic, and she taught me how her family makes it. Should be really yummy!

So tacos, spanish rice, refried beans. That could make for an interesting day in the Quality Assurance department around here. :)

We paid for the Harley last night. I love it. It's wonderful, and we're talking about getting some accessories like saddlebags etc. Hubby was looking around on Ebay and found some good deals. Resourceful, no?

That's all for today. Just smelling the mexican food and starting to drool...

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