Migraine - (2002-08-27, 7:06 a.m.)

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Oh man.

Did I have the migraine from hell yesterday. My medication works, but it leaves me with such medicine head that I can't function. *sigh*

I also wanted to tell whoever still reads here that I've started a private diary. If you want the login and password, email me and I'll let you know. There's just some things that I don't want to share with the world right now, and felt better writing about them under a new name behind a lock. Does that make sense?

Anyhow, I'm still feeling a bit medicated up this morning. Just sitting here and spacing out.

My kitties were wonderful yesterday though. It's like the animals know when you're not feeling well. They all came and piled on me in bed. There was hardly room for me to move!

I haven't been sleeping all that great either. I keep waking up in the middle of the night again, usually around 3 AM or so. I have no idea why that is. But I do it. Some kind of wacky internal alarm clock or something.

Hubby brought home our new Harley Davidson last night. :-)

That's pretty cool, as far as I'm concerned. Probably going to be the only college "kid" with one that he bought on his own. Meaning that "Daddy" didn't buy it for Hubby.

You know what I mean.

Anyhow, getting jumbled, so I'm going to end here.

Happy Tuesday!

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