High School Wedding - (2002-08-23, 10:34 a.m.)

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Yay! It's Friday!

I have a wedding that I'm going to tomorrow. One of my old High School friends, and I haven't seen anyone from our little "group" for the longest time. I have the whole bad body image thing going on with all the extra weight, so I'm kind of...well, nervous at how I will be perceived.

Some of those people turned against me, you see. I have no idea what I did to them, but all of a sudden they were literally having "I hate Katress" parties. No joke. It just broke my heart when I was younger.

But that was 10 years ago. I doubt that some of them will have grown up even though I have done plenty of it.

I'm just concerened that they're going to be "Oh, there's Katress. Look how fat she's gotten! She was such a bitch in high school--I just hated her!"

I don't know why I care so much about what those people think about me. It's against really what my beliefs are, and I know that I shouldn't, but it's like I can't help myself. Ugh...

In other news I had a lovely chat with Miss Mollie last night. It's good to be feeling social again. I'm so thankful that Zoloft is working for me. I missed talking to my friends, but I guess I had just been feeling to out of it to realize that.

Anyhow, back to work again. There's always plenty of stuff to do around here!

Happy Friday! Love me? Clix me, baby!

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