Walk/Run and Stuffiness - (2002-08-22, 10:47 a.m.)

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Wow, am I ever stuffed up today. I feel like a big snot ball. I have no idea why, perhaps it's because we slept with the windows open last night? Sometimes that bothers me, sometimes it doesn't. Oh well.

I'm pleased to say that I went for a 30 minute walk/run with Hubby last night. I thought he was trying to kill me, but I did it. I got my heart rate up and everything to exactly where I'm supposed to be for optimal fat burning. I turned down dessert which looked really yummy too. I've been trying to stick to the advise that has been given to me by Miss Mollie and I am determined to lose these 25-30 lbs. I will do it, but it will take time.

I actually felt pretty good after our walk/run. Eventually I want to be able to run the distance that we covered, so I guess I'll just have to keep at it. It's also nice to spend that time together. Sometimes Hubby and I don't get to see all that much of each other.

In other news, sorry that I didn't call anyone back last night. My Mom's house is a time-sucker sometimes. We were talking about rearranging my living room and bedroom, which is something that hasn't been done for the entire time that we've lived in that house. We have large furniture and smaller rooms with limited wall space, so it could be a challenge. Anyhow, Mom and Hubby are telling me that they're just going to do it, and I'll come home to a surprise! That would be so nice. :)

That's about all for today. I'm feeling pretty good except for being all stuffed up. Oh well, at least I have energy! Zoloft is wonderful. :)

Happy Thursday!

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