Mo Money, Mo Problems - (2002-08-21, 8:54 a.m.)

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Some people, I tell you.

My co-worker is on the phone with this lady who is infamous at my website...she just won't let it go that she must pay a $100 change fee to make a voluntary change to her reservation on Delta.'s a voluntary change. If you can't pay this, then you're not getting your reservation changed. He's been on the phone with her for about 1/2 an hour. She's just impossible. I feel badly for him, but he's handling her well. She just won't let it go!

Anyhow, I've decided that we may have to take money out of my inheritance from my Grandma. With Hubby in school and me having missed work due to medication and depression, we just don't have enough to cover bills this month. The GI bill doesn't kick in until September, so we're SOL for now. We're about $800 short of what we need to pay bills this month. Hubby keeps telling me that I don't realize how much money I make, as I'm the one that covers all the bills and spending money.

Did I mention that he quit his job as a chef? He hated it. He also told me that it takes him about 5 months to make what I make in a week. Somehow that doesn't equate to me. I make $15.50/hr, which is a LOT of money for my area. Our cost of living is pretty low, so we get by very well on that.

The GI bill was increased to $900/month, and that's good too, but it's just not enough to cover our bills with me missing work. Arrghghh!!! I just wish that I didn't have to worry about money anymore! I want to join the gym again and now I can't afford to do it until October probably. I'll have to do my aerobics in the living room for time being, and go running outside.

And Hubby wants to buy his Step-dad's Harley. Which he's giving to us at a great price. Which we can kind of afford. Which he really wants. Harelys don't lose value either, they seem to be about the same as you've paid for them new even after 5-6 years. No depreciation. So...this is kind of an investment. But it's not a need. I just don't know what to think about it. It's a nice bike, a 2000 HD Sportster 883 Hugger. Really fitting for us. But do we need it?

Money = problems. More accurately;

lack of money = problems. Isn't there a song about that somewhere? I'll have to find it. I think it's called "Mo money mo problems." Yeah, that's life at the Katress house.

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