Weeding and Fatty - (2002-08-20, 1:59 p.m.)

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I have so much weeding to do in the garden it's not even funny. It's going to take me forever to get it accomplished, and then fall will be here and everything will freeze up anyhow. *sigh* I hope that I can get some Hubby help, he's been much better about helping around the house when I haven't been feeling well.

I'm enjoying my days off. I've completed all the laundry, cleaning house, cleaning off the bookshelves (something that needed to be done for months), cleaning out the closet of old clothes and got Hubby to do the same, re-weeding in the front of the house just getting little stuff that Hubby missed, and talking about rearranging the living room and the bedroom. We've never rearranged at all since we've moved in, and it's going to be two years this fall. Yeah, I've had other things going on. Plus the fact that our rooms are on the smaller side and we have big furniture.

So yes, I'm feeling much better. I'm still getting anxious at night, but it's usually cured by a bowl of corn flakes. For some reason. I don't know, I guess corn flakes are calming to me.

Last night Hubby told me that all my pictures on my camera from Houston and Kansas were deleted. Yeah, that's a great thing to tell me at the time of day when I have trouble. I am still angry about this--now I have nothing! I was going to scrapbook those pictures too, but now I guess I'll have to start over again. God only knows when I'll have the opportunity to get to Houston again. I cried I was so upset.

Anyhow, I'm going to go to Wal-Mart. I have a wedding this weekend and I'm going to be seeing a lot of people from high school. I'm going to get a body shaper so that my pooch doesn't stick out as much. I'm going to lose this medication weight, I swear. I just don't want to look all fat since I was so slender in H.S. Yuck. I did some cardio already, and Hubby and I are going to go for a short run tonight. That should get me started on the right track, besides cleaning up my eating habits.

Oh well, better get ready to go.

And I almost forgot. I have the day off! Neener neener! :)

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