Zoloft--Really? - (2002-08-17, 10:04 a.m.)

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Well, after playing phone tag with my doctor yesterday, it has been determined that Effexor is not working for me (no, really???) and he suggested Prozac. I said, no way--Prozac sucks. Been there, tried that and hated it. Never really was happy, never really was sad, but just kind of existed. Bad stuff as it made me feel like a person with no feeling whatsoever.

Anyhow, to make a long story short, I am taking Zoloft now, which was recommended to me from a wonderful friend at work, M.

M. has been really great for me, he's always willing to talk as he suffers from depression and anxiety attacks more serverely than what I have, and he's been a wealth of resources and understanding as I know that he's been there, and has gone through just about exactly what I am going through right now.

I also must say THANKS to Heidi, Faecat, Amy, Nicki, Carla and finally Karen for their kind words and support. It means a lot to know that there are people that are concerned about me that don't even know me in RL, just know my thoughts and impressions that are read here. Thanks ladies, sincerely.

I am feeling a bit better today, even with the body temperature goof up that I am having right now. After doing a little research it seems as though night sweats and getting warm and icky is another form of anxiety. Never thought about it that way before, but I've certainly been having/doing that for the last week.

My brain is still pretty fuzzy too. I was asked to be on the phone today at work, but there is no way that I'm going to be able to handle that. I sent an email to my boss, and I hope that she understands. She is well aware of what is going on with me regarding all the medication and how crappy I've been feeling, but the Effexor is still working it's way out of my system right now. Give me another few days, and I'll be back at 100% provided the Zoloft does the trick. I sure hope that it does. But right now I can't handle high call volume and crabby customers. Doing an exchange? Yeah, forget it--I would run up debit memos for my company like you wouldn't believe. Those can get up in the tens of thousands of dollars and I just can't be responsible for that right now.

To be honest with you, I'm not even sure that I should be DRIVING right now! I'm that fuzzed up, but how else was I going to get to work???

And so goes another day in Katress land. I need to call my girlfriend tonight as I was to exhausted to do so last night and make arrangements for her to come up and visit. I miss her so much.

Hope that your Saturday is going better than mine. Have a peaceful weekend.

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