Sizist? - (2002-06-20, 12:37 p.m.)

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Hi, short update again from work. We're having training all day again on our new system, and I have to say that I'm continually amazed with what we have the capabilities of doing once we get it all configured. It's going to make my job so much easier, it's almost spooky! But in a good way, of course.

I have somewhat of a controversial subject that I would like some feedback on, if you all don't mind.

What do you think about the new Southwest Airlines policy about seating larger passengers? I mean, their seats in coach (which is all SW offers) are 18 1/2 inches wide. That makes it pretty difficult for just about anyone to fit into. But their new policy is if you "hang over" into other seats, you're going to be forced to pay for two seats at whatever fare you had originally booked.

I'm not really sure about how I feel about this. It's size discrimitory for sure, but I have to say that I feel for those that are "sat upon" when they're traveling. You don't have a whole lot of room in the first place, but to have that small space infringed upon isn't fun at all either.

What do you think about this? Let me know what your opinions are, as I kind of feel that I should take a stand on either end of the spectrum in my industry. Thanks! :)

That's about it. Back to training!

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