Wednesday Stuff - (2002-06-19, 12:57 p.m.)

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What a whirlwind it's been this week!

We're training on new software at work that allows all QA Leaders to be almost like Big Brother. We can see what the agents are doing, hear what they are doing and use this information to compile reports about what productivity is, etc.

Pretty cool, but some of the information is obviously pretty sensitive. But will help us do our jobs in the long run.

So yes, very busy lately. Training and being very tired in the evenings. I wish that PMS didn't kick my butt so hard for two to three days out of the month. I hate being tired, but then again, I used to feel like that all the time so maybe I'm more sensitive to that than others would be.

I want to get more gardening done--and I know that I sound like a broken record here, but I think I may be growing more weeds than flowers and plants this year so far! Not a good thing, and it's supposed to rain all weekend. Not very compatible with working outside.

I'm already excited for Hubby to come home, I miss him a lot when he's gone. The cats and the dog miss him too, Chester slept on his pillow last night.

Speaking of pets, I've had everyone on the bed (dog excluded) for the past two nights. It makes for being a bit much, as they have to spread out, and I get crowded. LOL Oh well, they just want to snuggle.

That's all for today!

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