Military Knowledge - (2002-06-17, 7:50 a.m.)

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Whew! I'm tired this morning for sure. I slept really hard last night, but my allergies are just killing me today.

Hubby called last night, and apparently he's incredibly bored. He's about as tired as I am--due to some guy that's not even in his area that has crashed in their bunks and snores to the point where nobody else can sleep.

Hubby said that he can't sleep well without me anyhow, and even though he used to be able to sleep through anything, he's not able to anymore as we keep it very quiet at our house at bedtime. Most people do, you know?

So yes, this snoring guy has gotten an unbelievable amount of crap from the other soldiers that are just crabby and fed up as they haven't gotten any sleep all week so far.

He also found out that his unit is being sent to Bosnia in October of '03, so he's getting out. He's already five years behind most students, and he doesn't want to be another year behind as that's what a six month deployment would do to him. Besides, he hates the Army Reserves. He says that "they do things funny" and being on the range with them just scared him. He didn't feel as safe as when he was with his Marines.

So there we have it, Hubby's going to be done completely with the service. He may check into being in the Marine Corps Officer's program, but we'll have to see how that works. He doesn't want to leave for two whole summers, and he's been wanting to take summer school all the way through college. We'll see how it goes.

Anyhow, enough about that. I guess there's really not all that much else gonig on. Besides the fact that I'm tired, and I'm going to be taking a nice nap when I get home from work. :)

I love naps.

That's all, happy Monday!

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