97? You really like me! - (2002-06-16, 8:26 a.m.)

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Wow. I'm humbled. I just looked and 97 people have me listed as a favorite. Am I really that interesting? Or do you all just like to listen to me bitch? :)

Speaking of bitching, I was talking to a girlfriend of mine yesterday. She reads here regularly since she works a ridiculous amount of hours too, and it's hard to stay in touch. She told me that she's thinking of starting an online diary too, just because it's healthy to vent.

Oh yes. To vent. Some days I wonder if you all must think I'm a few crayons short of a box, and some days I guess I feel that I am too. But everyone needs an outlet, right? Of course they do.

Unfortunately not a whole lot to report today. Managed to get the house cleaned up, and the back yard reasonably organized yesterday. Now if I could just finish planting and get my garden sprayed for weeds I will be set to go. It's just been to wet to get anything in the ground. It's going to be so pretty when it's finished, and I'll have to post bragging pictures here so you all can have a garden tour.

And I must mention that I'm loving my new yard furniture, yes I am. Cute khaki colored braided chairs and a large glass table. Very cute, very durable. Which is good, 'cause I'm not one to be hauling around those huge cushions that seem to be on every yard chair that you see. I have no garage, and we've run out of closet space, so it wasn't going to happen. But the chairs are comfy, and all you need to do to clean them is just spray them off!

I'm at work today. This week is looking like mega overtime too. That's okay, Hubby is gone until Friday, and I get to have Friday afternoon off. :)

Well, I had better get back to doing my manager thing. Hope everyone has had a peaceful weekend!

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