Planning - (2002-06-14, 10:25 a.m.)

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I saw the strangest thing on my way to work this morning.

Because I live out of town, I take a highway in that is about 6 miles. Just a simple two lane blacktop.

Anyhow, there was a group of bicyclists, and a unicyclist! He was waving at everyone, and I just thought that was the neatest thing. What a workout, riding a unicycle! Wonder how many calories that burns?

Also, I'm still trying to figure out a name for my work fish. He's a beta, and I put him in a big fishbowl on the right hand corner of my desk. He's green and blue. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. :) I can't have fish at home, as the cats would go nutso trying to get into their tank, so work it is.

Hubby leaves for guard drill tonight, I'm going to be so bored. That and probably working a lot of overtime so that I can help to finance my trip to Houston with my girls as we're going to have a wonderful time! I'm still so excited. I only have to use one vacation day as I'm switching over to four by tens, so that's good too. :) More vacation this summer for Ms. Katress! Going to the lakes, going down to Minneapolis, and all kinds of other fun things.

I love summer. I think people that live in the Northern Midwest appreciate it more because we get less of it.

Now if I could just get it to stop raining and be able to get some gardening done outside, my life would be complete!

Happy Friday all, hope that you have a relaxing weekend. :)

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