Management - (2002-06-13, 9:55 a.m.)

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Well, I'm back on the stupid freaking phone for a while today. Ugh, I have so much to do and our other office was doing things they weren't supposed to be doing and apparently they screwed up their network so they're down for now. With no estimated time of fix.

Hello people, I have soooo many things to do that I'm already planning on working like 8 hours of overtime in the next three days or so, the team leaders aren't taking calls, and here I sit, not getting my stuff done. I'm not a goddess here. I have needs too, and I'm just getting frustrated as I'm not being allowed to get my damned job done. We were calibrating against each other today too, and that's very valuable time that we need to spend together as Quality Assurance agents. We're leaders too, and we are not getting any support whatsoever. Grrrr...

On a happier note, Hubby and I took our first ride together last night on the motorcycle. He got his license yesterday, and it was lots of fun. He needs to get a windshield however, as I got wind whipped pretty badly. And Hubby ate a bug, which I found extremely entertaining!

So yes, it was a good time, but we need to have a windshield.

So we went out for supper, and it was very good. Mmmm, chicken strips! Real ones, not processed of course. Those are disgusting.

But yes. Motorcycle riding is good, we just need a windshield desparately!

We just decided that we're going to take a long lunch today because we were put onto the phone taking calls. Yay! I love being management. I planned on working late tonight anyhow, as Hubby's working late, and we're behind. So yay for having freedom to work my own hours! That makes me happy for sure.

That's about all for today, better go get that next call. Can you hear my sarcasm yet?

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