Cuddle Night - (2002-06-12, 8:35 a.m.)

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Another day, another dollar. No SpongeBob bandaids today to giggle about, but I sure got a lot of comments on those that I've been wearing.

Lots of giggles too when I would say that the washing machine bit me, so I was on laundry strike! :) Which isn't true of course, but it makes for an interesting story.

I cleaned and cleaned last night at the jewelery store. Tom (owner) also showed me how to color grade diamonds. It's a really interesting process, and I was very surprised and pleased with myself for understanding and being able to tell a difference!

I also found a really pretty anniversary ring that with a little modification could be made into a beautiful matching type of ring with my pendant from my first diamond from Hubby. It's a princess cut variation on a three stone engagement ring--it's a five stone--and it's just beautiful. I could probably pick it up for around 5 or 600.00. So I told Hubby about it and it may be an anniversary gift for me. Heh.

Of course I still want rhodolite earrings (deep watermellon), alexandrite earrings (green) and aquamarine earrings (light blue). And a bracelet and yadda yadda yadda. This has turned into a dangerous hobby for me!

Hubby and I have a peaceful evening planned. It's supposed to rain, so I'm not going to be able to get any outside work done. So we're going to watch some of the DVDs that he got for his birthday, he's going to make supper and we'll have popcorn and snuggle on the couch. It's been so crazy lately that we hardly get to spend any time together, and this is a much anticipated night. It stinks when you hardly get to see your spouse.

And then of course next week he has guard drill all week long. *sigh* Oh well, I've done it before.

That's about all that's going on now.

Happy Wednesday!

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