Planning and Dullness - (2002-06-05, 11:23 a.m.)

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I did an entry this morning and apparently Diaryland ate it. *sigh* I hate it when that happens.

Lots of things going on today, but nothing really at work. Things have been quite slow, but hopefully will pick up soon when the afternoon people get here. It's been a bit boring as there are three coaches (of which I am one) and seven agents. Dull stuff.

Home stuff on the other hand has been quite busy. Hubby was going to go work on the deck a bit more this morning when I was leaving, and this afternoon after work I must go to Wal-Mart and get my prescriptions filled, then go buy some more flowers.

I would like to put more purple and yellow in my back yard, and plan to do this with purple petunias and yellow marigolds. They both are sun loving plants, and should be awfully pretty. I want to get the back yard completed, and then spray some selective herbicide (Poast) on the grass in the rest of my flowerbeds. Lots of stuff to do. :)

That's about all that's going on in Katress land. The wrist is doing better, and thanks to those of you that left me well wishes and semi-sarcastic remarks. LOL

Hope that you're all doing well on this Wednesday morning!

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