Look at the cool kid! - (2002-06-04, 7:43 a.m.)

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This is going to be a short one since I don't have much time and my left hand is a bit encumbered by this big old brace that I have on there now.

Yes, did I talk about Saturday night? The one where my parents took me and Hubby out and got me drunk on Absolut sours? I'm a sucker for those, and they just go down so nicely.

Well, I fell off my chair. In all the drunken parties and all the craziness that we had over at our house on base, and the stupid stuff that I did as a college kid, it's my turn to get injured when I'm drinking with my parents and husband. OOhh, look at the cool kid! That's me!

So yes, the whole bar laughed, and my ass hurts and I bruised up my left wrist to the point where I thought I broke it. So I spent most of the night in the ER yesterday getting x-rays and the like. So I apologize for the lack of updates.

Never a dull moment around here, I tell you.

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