Rain Rain Go Away! - (2002-06-02, 1:22 p.m.)

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Crap. It would figure that it's raining on the day that I have off and wanted to get some gardening done. I managed to get the back yard rototilled and planted the petunias and some geraniums, but that's as far as I was able to get before the downpour started.

I need some more purple petunias and some yellow and red-yellow marigolds. Mom was talking about going to Wal-Mart this afternoon, and I think I'll go with her there. I would like some more red peonies too. They're only $10, two more should do it.

I got my pendant done with my other diamond and Hubby's birthstone finished yesterday. It's just beautiful, and nobody else has one like it as it's totally a custom piece. Pretty fantastic.

I also learned that Alexandrite (Hubby's birthstone--June) is about 30% more expensive than diamonds. That's why everyone just uses created Alexandrite. That's some expensive stuff! It's a dark green color, very pretty. It looks fantastic with the gold and the diamond. I'm so happy with it, and I'm going to be wearing it a lot. :)

I also found a pinky ring that I want...it's a sapphire. But I'm sure that will have to wait. I'm very jewelery gifted since I've been working there! I did size my fingers, my wedding ring is a size 4 1/2, and my pinky is a 2 1/2. I have little fingers but they're very long. The average ring size is around a 6 or a 7.

Anyhow, I'm rambling. I wish the rain would stop.

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