I love my jobs! - (2002-04-27, 7:36 p.m.)

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Well, this is a little late for today, but better late than never, right?

I love my second job. I really do. The people that I work with are so incredibly nice, and my Mom and Dad stopped by after closing last night and we all went out for supper. My boss bought for everyone, which was really incredibly unexpected and kind of him. But that's the kind of guy he is.

How lucky am I to have two jobs, both that pay pretty well, and to have bosses that I really like??? I'm just so thankful for that, I can't even explain it. I also told JewelerBoss and his wife if they ever want part time help to please let me know, as I'm enjoying what I'm doing so much that given the chance to I would continue on indefinitely.

I must clarify something here too. He's not a 'Mall Jeweler' at all. He's got a little house on a corner in a semi-commercial neighborhood and sells things out of this house. It's totally a family operation and he has personal "aquaintance type" relationships with most of his customers. Some are close personal friends like my family. :) Their slogan there is "If you don't know your jewelery, know your jeweler." And he gives great deals, even when he's not having a sale.

Did I mention that I sold a copy of my husband's wedding ring to a groom to be the other day? Yes I did! They told me that you'll sell the stuff that you like, this guy hadn't even looked at that ring until I pointed it out and he fell in love with it right there. How cool!

Well, I suppose I should go clean this messy house. The cats, cute as they are, aren't going to do it for me. Hubby is still away in South Dakota, he left this morning at 4 AM for a paintball tournament and I have no idea what time he's going to be home. Oh well. I'll start cleaning so that I can work on my dress tomorrow.

And it's high time that I posted some more pictures here too, what do you think?

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