New Position? - (2002-04-26, 7:25 a.m.)

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Friday. More brain sucking out the ears with flexistraws.

Ugh, and I have to work tomorrow here. It's not enough that we've been suffering through this whole week, but they're going to make us sit through five hours of hell on Saturday. *sigh*

Did I mention that I didn't get the team leader position? I actually interviewed for the Quality Assurance positions earlier this week, and I have to say that the Human Resources lady basically told me that "they" feel that I would be better suited for a QA position because I'm creative and have the experience needed. :) So that's a good thing. She gave me the definite impression that I had already gotten the position, especially due to the fact that she told me that they have "everyone basically picked out for the positions." :D

I was kind of wanting this position more anyway, because I know a number of the people that are applying for it, and it would be a very fun team to be working with. Plus some of my closer friends at work are going to be (hoping to be) on that team. So it would be a lot of fun.

Plus the possibility of working from home is a big one, at least for part of the week. That would be so incredibly cool, but I'm just curious if they would then give me a laptop to work on, as I would have to have access to the reservation systems that we use at work? I'll have to see how everything works out, but I'm thinking that would be pretty cool too. Then we would be a three computer household instead of just two. Excessive, no?

So please be crossing your fingers for me in this, I really want it. Third time's a charm, right?

And say it with me, I do not need another doughnut after the three that I ate yesterday.

I do not need another doughnut after the three that I ate yesterday...

Happy Friday everyone!

Also, I updated DirtDiva! Go take a look! :)

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