Decking and Pen Stealing - (2002-04-25, 7:26 a.m.)

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Someone needs to tell Mother Nature to make up her mind here. It's freaking SNOWING outside this morning. I can't stand it.

And someone has taken two pens in the past two days from me. Since we're in training we have to share desks, which is really no problem. But the garbage that the night crew leaves around here, the crumbs and stuff get really old. All of us during the day make an effort to clean up all the things that we leave here during the day. Night shift does not. This is very frustrating, and on top of someone taking the pens that I bring from home, it's just gotten to be a bit much along with the endless brain sucking that goes on here lately for training.

I get home and I feel like someone has sucked my brain right out of my ears with a flexistraw. Ugh.

So the day is starting out rather crabbily, despite the fact that one of my co-workers brought doughnuts for all of us. :) I love doughnuts!

Last night we went to the local home improvement store and were pricing out decking to see how much it's going to cost to cover our rock area in the back. Surprise, it's about $200 cheaper than it was last year! So we're going to get out there and do that as soon as the freaking weather decides to warm up.

I was going to try to work on my dress last night, but decking took precedence of course.

We're hoping that Hubby's paintball tournament isn't going to be cancelled this weekend due to the extremely cold weather that we've been having. Who wants to run around and play paintball when it will be to cold to feel your fingers? Not sure, but I work with the captain of his team, and he's kind of doubtful as to whether or not he's going to have to cancel the tournament.

So, just another day here of brain sucking through the ears, etc. Wish me luck!

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