Boredom, Day 2 - (2002-04-23, 7:27 a.m.)

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I can't believe how boring training was yesterday. Unbeleivable. Absolutely mind-numbing.

Plus the trainer is a snot. I sit next to my friend N. who is visually impaired. When they gave us a test on our new reservation system a lot of the things that we were tested on weren't gone over in class. So we had to use our manuals to get the information. She has a viewer that enlarges text, but it takes her a little longer to look up info. Understandably so, of course. The trainer was all "so are you done yet, are you done yet, are you done yet?" And just being very insensitive and rude to N. I even got pissed. Not to mention poor N. who didn't deserve to be treated like this at all. *sigh*

Plus the fact that I'm all PMS-y today. Feeling quite bloated and uncomfortable and just generally not looking forward to today at work at all.

I start working for my jeweler friend tonight, and I have to admit I'm pretty excited about that.

The extra cash is going to be wonderful, and I think I'll learn a lot. Plus the fact that I'll find all kinds of future birthday and Christmas presents that I want!

There's a ring there that has a rather large diamond in the center with sapphires on each side. To bad it's around the $4,000 price range. It's so very pretty, and I've been eyeing it for months. Even though I can get anything at cost, it's just not in my price range.

We went to Wal-Mart last night and I found something that I'm going to buy with the extra money. Besides the fact that we're finishing our deck in the back and putting one on the front, I think it's high time that we get a nice patio set, no?

Wal-Mart has a beautiful one that's $300 done in soft beige and purple flowers that I just fell in love with. So I think eventually it's going to have to come home with me!

Ugh, I'm even starting to bore myself here. I'm going to stop right...

here. Have a better day than I'm going to have! Or at least a more interesting one! :)

Oh yes, and I plea to sign my guestbook. I'm so bored!!! It will make me smile and give me something to read! (not so subtle, am I?)

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