First Greenhouse - (2002-04-21, 5:40 p.m.)

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Guess who went to the first flower nursury of the season? You got it! Katress aka DirtDiva. I found some scented geraniums--a lemon and a citronella. They right now are making my kitchen smell all citrusy and my living room all lemony. Mmmmm. Better even than scented candles! :)

I also bought some lavender and a couple of ivy plants. I love ivy, it's one of my favorites. I wish that we could grow it here as thick ground cover like we did in Virginia, but it just dies back each winter. *sigh* I love living here, but sometimes gardening here is frustrating as we're only USDA zone 4, rather than zone 7 where I used to live. Oh well. I would rather be here than there, and at least my Mom has a heated garage and a big storage room downstairs with all kinds of plant lights rigged up. We grow stuff outside in pots that's tender and then bring it indoors in the wintertime and set it under lights.

Yes, we're both obsessed. Extremely.

Hubby offered to clean the rest of the house tomorrow, so I'm going to take him up on it. I cleaned exactly half (the difficult half as well) and he will clean the other half. Including his gross bathroom. That thing gets pretty icky sometimes, and how can you get clean in a dirty bathroom? Just a Katress idiosyncracy I guess. But I've always been that way.

They had so many fun things growing at that garden center. I just love thinking about all the cool stuff that I'm going to plant this summer. I want to plant white bacopa (tiny white flowers and a viney plant) in hanging baskets on the sidewalk up to my front door. I want to see how huge I can get my geraniums from last year.

I must admit that a lot of the stuff that I saved from last year looks even better and bigger than the stuff that this nursury had too. Go me, it's one of the more expensive nursurys around too!

I suppose I'm boring you all with the plant stuff. I really need to just start writing about this exclusively in DirtDiva but sometimes my excitement gets the best of me like it did today!

I really want a hibiscus tree. Any takers? Buy me one please! ;)

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