Blatant Consumerism - (2002-04-20, 12:09 p.m.)

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How do you all put up with my mood swings??? I have to say, Diaryland has really become sort of a therapy for me, where I don't have to be ashamed to write about anything, and the continued support that I get is just amazing. When I was going through depression and having a rough time with just being alive, if it weren't for the support that I received from my family, my friends, my co-workers and diaryland I would have rather curled up and just died. And for that I owe everyone a huge enormous thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

I'm in a bit better of a mood today. I've been cruising e-bay and found some baby phat jeans that are MUCH cheaper than what I had found through their website (that has no customer service, remember?). I would rather pay $20.00 for new jeans than $81.00, ya know?

The shopping spree was a success last night, and frankly that's the first time that I've gone shopping, spent a bit of money and not felt guilty about it AT ALL! Hubby tells me not to spend money and then goes out and buys $40 worth of paint balls, I feel entitled here a bit.

Total spent was around $80.00, and for this I got three pairs of pants--in dark desert, buffalo herd, and blonde, a stripey short sleeved shirt with a collar and a kick ass pair of tall black boots. Everything was on sale, and those boots were originally in the $70 range and I paid $25! I love clearance sales.

Nothing like a bit of blatant consumerism to just pick a girl's spirits right up.

Still a bit rocky with the husband as he said an awful lot of mean and hurtful things that I'm not going to go into, so he's not getting his laundry washed. I'm sick and tired of being the only one in this household that cleans up and picks up all the time. So I'm going on strike, so to speak. I'm going to clean up and pick up after myself, and nobody else, including the stupid dog. Zeus creates so much more work for me than I need right now it's just scary. He was so awful last night that I put him in his crate at about 1:00 am--he wouldn't stop poking at me or whining, and I know that he didn't have to go to the bathroom.

I just feel that I spend entirely to much of my time cleaning up after Hubby and he's a big boy and should be able to do some of that himself. Including his laundry. Screw it, he can take some responsiblity instead of running off to play paintball, playing out in the shop or messing around outside. I deserve some downtime too, and I'm GOING to have it today. I'm just sick and tired of picking up all the time. So I'm done.

That and I still haven't heard about the job position and that makes me a little antsy too. I just want to know where I stand.

Did I mention that my last night's rage apparently set off earthquakes for Pam and Karen? Yes, I guess so. Well, I was that pissy. Or maybe it was her and I combined. Sounds like she had a bad night as well.

At any rate, special thanks to Faecat - TranceJen - Amy - Holly - Greentarola - The Bot - Jen - Sans - Shivers Girl - Miranda - Jessica - Onehanded - Davi - Michelle - Pam - Dilettante and Dennis. You people make my day. I send you all diaryland love in it's finest form!!!

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