Danger, Will Robinson - (2002-04-19, 7:42 p.m.)

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I am so incredibly crabby that i'ts not even funny. I've just had it, and be warned that if swearing offends you, click the little x in the corner and get out now.

To start off, my favorite pair of jeans got a hole in the butt and I was probably walking around work like an asshole with my butt hanging out and my underwear for all the world to see and nobody was kind enough to point that out to me.

Hardly anyone has signed my new guestmap and it's pissing me off.

Hubby wakes me up out of a dead sleep to tell me that Mom and Dad are taking us out for dinner. That's fine. So when they get over here is about the time that I discover the jeans problem. Well, the only other pair of jeans that I have that fit (I'm to big to fit my fat ass into anything else) are filthy from moving all those computers yesterday so I start crying. Well, yeah. I'm a fat fucking pig and get bitched at anytime I spend more than $20.00 on anything including prescription medication!!! I'm the one that makes the fucking money for this house and God fucking forbid I buy anything nice for myself. This includes clothes, ANYTHING from Wal-Mart and apparently anti-depressants because I have some free samples. Fuck.

So I am finally getting myself together and I go out into the living room where everyone is talking and change the channel on my TV in my house and my Dad starts bitching. "You change the channel when you come over to my house and I can't do the same here?" Over at his house we have to sit through the lone fucking Ranger at supper and change the channel in my own house and that's the wrong thing to do.

So then Mom tells me that "I'm wrong" and then finally when I get busy doing something else Hubby comes in here and asks me if I'm ready to go. Um, yeah, been ready for fifteen god damned minutes. So I just figured fuck it, I'm going in to town going shopping and having supper by myself. Maybe I'll go to a movie or something, I've just had it. I don't get to do anything fun anymore and I'm just sick and tired of staying home and not doing anything unless someone else wants to do something. I've been asking to go to a fucking movie just Hubby and I for months and it hasn't happened yet. But if Kevin wants to meet us somewhere we can sure as hell go. Because it's not just us so apparently that's going to qualify as something social.

I'm going to go fucking shopping. It's more productive than sitting here stewing and crying. Maybe I'll buy myself whatever I want for once and not feel so fucking guilty about it.

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