Still No Word - (2002-04-19, 7:36 a.m.)

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Be sure that you sign my new international and USA guestmap!

No news yet. I'm about busting at the seams. I want to know so badly, and it seems that my brain is trying to tell me that either they have notified the people that were promoted first, or those that were promted last...and I'm just dying trying to figure out which one is which!

I know that there were a lot of talented people that were interviewed, but I don't even know how many WERE interviewed. Basically, I'm a nervous wreck trying to figure out what is going on and very excited and anxious to know what's going on. Please keep me in your thoughts, hopefully it will help me with my sanity through karma! :)

In other stuff, I continued working on my gold dress last night. We got all the interfacing on and the dress needs to be pressed and I can start putting together the side seams and the back zipper. I should be able to have that done by this weekend and be able to start on the capri pants that I bought fabric for on Monday.

Did I mention that it snowed last night??? Yes, it was 90 degrees on Monday and now it's freaking snowed. Ugh! Oh well, if you don't like the weather here, wait five minutes it will change. Sometimes it rains and the sun is shining in the summer. :)

I really need to get my wristpad back here for my keyboard, it's starting to hurt my hands.

We got another 100 new computers in the office last night. I got to help with hauling them into the elevator and then pushing them off on the second floor, and it was quite the workout. I was hot and sweaty when I was done, and my white shirt was covered with Gateway green and cardboard! To give you an idea, 100 computers fills up part of a very large truck, and consists of about six pallets stacked around six feet high. I moved just about every single one! Not all the way though, and certainly not by myself. :)

So I figured since it was snowing out and cold, that this was my workout for the day.

And what's this that I'm hearing about November? Wow, that's all that I can say. I'm very surprised, but who am I to say! Maybe you'll give me another opportunity to wear that gold dress that I'm making! :)

I promise, I'll update again when I know the status of my position here.

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