News Coming Up - (2002-04-18, 7:24 a.m.)

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Okay, first of all since I got a lot of messages in my guestbook yesterday I want to let you all know how the interview went.

It was about half an hour, and I have to admit that I feel it went pretty well. Things are moving so quickly that they are hoping to have a final decision about who is being selected by this afternoon, I should have some more news soon.

We started working on the reservation system that our new .com is using, and I have to say that I really like it. :) It's similar to what we were using before but a lot more user-friendly. Similar, but different so it's a bit difficult to get out of one mindset and into another, but I'm still liking it. There are many more options from what I can tell already, and when we start working into it more I think that I will understand better.

Last night I was going to take a nap...but other things happened. There's just to many things to do rather than have a nap, no matter how much I really want one! We went over to Mom and Dad's for supper and it was just really good. Anything made in a crock pot as far as I'm concerned is good, right?

I worked some more on my dress, and I have to admit that patterns are starting to make a bit more sense to me than they did before. I did some basic work, and hopefully I'll be able to get it done over the next week or so. It's going to be so very pretty and I'm excited to get it done.

That's about all that I have time for today, I promise that I'll let everyone know as soon as possible. Until then, keep crossing your fingers for me!

Oh yes, and I got googled for "drunk chick." Whatever, it led them to this entry. That made my afternoon. :)

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