Uh-oh - (2002-04-11, 7:24 a.m.)

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Well, I finally seem to be coming down with that awful cold that's going around. Hubby has been so incredibly sick that he actually talked about calling into work sick a few days this week. He's never done that since we've been married. He feels pretty awful and that's evident as he took a nap yesterday. He never takes naps. But of course he was snoring so loudly because he's all stuffed up that I couldn't sleep.

I need to go to the grocery store after work today too. And I'm so tired and stuffy and just feeling generally blah that I really don't want to. But I have to.

I just have this feeling that I'm going to be the queen of kleenex today.

And I'm all about comfort today. I'm wearing my softest jeans and a cozy sweater and I've already removed my shoes. I would rather be in sock feet than have shoes on any day.

I just don't have time to be sick. People around here are calling in sick and we already have people gone, so you can tell right off that we're going to have the day from hell because we'll be so busy. And I'm losing my voice.

Dad's birthday was a lot of fun last night, and one of our neighbors came over to the shop when we were done with supper to tease him about the fact that he's 55 now. Even though I wasn't feeling all that great it was enjoyable.

So that's about all that's going on around here.

Be sure that you stop by and ask Rogue Marine how his 21st birthday went last night. Hopefully he's in recovery mode. :)

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