Stupid Protesters - (2002-04-10, 7:23 a.m.)

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Hmm. I got googled for "pimp nails done." Sorry, no pimp nails here. Go check somewhere else. :)

Overnight there apparently was a non-violent protest on a campus here. Of course, it's the campus where tuition is about $20,000/year and these kids don't have anything to worry about. They apparently aren't getting enough homework to keep them busy.

The thing is, they interviewed a few of these kids and they were spouting off some crap about "it's our first amendment right" and so on and so forth. They are protesting the military's presence over in Afghanistan.

Um, maybe I'm missing something here, but do they realize that it's America's military that continues to give them the right to free speach and all of the other things that we are guaranteed as American citizens BECAUSE there are men and women fighting for these rights?

Maybe I'm just biased as I have family over there, and I'm a bit protective of them. Maybe it's because I was a Marine Corps wife. Maybe it's because I'm currently a National Guardsman's wife and they were just fitted for desert cammies last weekend and that makes me nervous.

I'm just very frustrated with all of this. These things are not rights in other countries. As far as I'm concerned they are privleges that we have as American citizens because there are legions of men and women that have fought and died for these rights.

Hubby just shook his head this morning when we were watching the news. His comment on all this was "they just don't get it, do they?" No, I don't think they do.

Okay, I'll get off my soap box now. But it's still a sore topic for me.

I need to find a recipe for sugar free cookies.

It's my Dad's birthday. Happy birthday Dad! We're celebrating by having steaks tonight with angel food cake for dessert. :) Should be tasty!

That's about all for today. Happy Wednesday!

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