Last day - (2002-04-12, 7:41 a.m.)

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Today is the last day that we are servicing my account at work. I have to admit, it's going to be nice to face a challenge again, as this has gotten rather dull. I've been doing it since August. But then again, my company and the travel industry is always changing, and the account that we're getting in as of Monday is by far the largest account that we've tried to handle. Final numbers are going to reach around 300 employees between two offices. We're going to be on a five year contract.

Hopefully I'll be facing this new account in a new position, either team leader or Quality assurance. There are several positions open for each. :) Be crossing your fingers for me!

In other news, I'm finally starting to feel like a human again. I slept just about all night last night, from when I got home to 7:00 PM, and then from 10:00 PM on until this morning. I think it's what my body needed as I'm not all that stuffy or sneezy anymore this morning.

Hubby doesn't have to work tonight (finally) so we're going to spend some time together after we get done going to Wal-Mart. I hope that we get the opportunity to watch the SpongeBob SquarePants DVD that my Mom got us for easter. It has bonus take-outs and stuff, and I'm very anxious to see some behind the scenes SpongeBob!

Saturday Holly is bringing Chester kitty over to see how he gets along with my boys. I'm excited to say the least, and I know that I'm helping my baby Xena that Holly adopted too, as Chester is kind of hard on her. I'm such an animal fanatic it's crazy.

Hubby is still pulling for another dog. I told him to dream on again this morning, but he just won't let it drop. *sigh* We need to get dog #1 to behave first, and that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

So that's all for today, have a wonderful Friday!

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