Sick Hubby and a new kitty - (2002-04-08, 10:19 a.m.)

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Well, happy sleeping in on Monday to me! Nice, since I don't have to work until 2 PM, and then I'm assisting in facilitating a Intro to my Company at the local ritzy hotel. But the only catch is that I have to be there until 11 PM. Which is usually the time that I'm floating off to dream-land. After all this BS with depression and not being able to sleep, sleep actually has become a priority in my life.

*sigh* If I do my hair right I can just put it in a ponytail Tuesday morning and sleep in. Aren't I just the laziest thing you've ever seen? Realistically I've been told that washing curly hair every day is NOT the way to go. Especially if it's longer like mine. The oils that occur naturally in your hair get a chance to work their way down to the ends then, and since my hair is pretty dry, that's a good thing.

Poor Hubby is veeeerrry sick. He was taking medicine last night and he looks exhasuted. Of course spending all weekend outside when it's been unseasonably cold here didn't help that I'm sure. But he's actually considering calling into work sick tonight. He's never done that in the 3 1/2 years that we've been married.

He's also cutting back on the hours that he's working. Yay! He can't get anything accomplished around here, much less get his homework done. I've been starting to feel like a work-widow, so I'm glad that he's finally doing something about this. No more of this stupid 5-8 PM work shift crap either. That's just stupid. What a waste of time.

So, there's also some discussion about getting my kitty fix by adopting Chester from The Cranky One. Hubby and I have discussed this before, and since she was kind enough to take my baby Xena, it's only fair that I can offer to take Chester. Besides, he's just such a cutie pie! I think (and hope) that he would get along with all the other kitties that we have here. I don't see a problem with that since he's not the type to back down, and frankly sometimes Simon and Hercules can be bullies. So I'm sure that as soon as everyone makes peace everyone would get along famously.

I do have doubts about taking Chloe though. She's such a sweet kitty, and so attached to her mommy. I think the same thing might happen to her as did poor Xena, and living your life underneath the couch is not something that's fair to a house cat. I think if she gives Xena and Chloe a chance to share a house that it might work out. From what she's told me, it's Chester that's the instigator.

So, I'll have to propose this again to Hubby tonight and see what he has to say. I doubt he would say no, although he wants another dog so badly and after how Zeus was behaving this weekend I'm not even sure that I can handle having kids (just kidding but he was REALLY naughty). So the option of not getting another kitty unless he comes tied to the back of another dog is non-negotiable.

Besides, what's the difference. 20 feet in the kitchen as compared to 24 in the mornings? I can handle that. :)

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