Daylight Savings Time - (2002-04-07, 11:57 a.m.)

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Weigh in day. And guess who's down to 146 lbs? ME! I must have lost some water weight as well from the 151.5 that I was at last Sunday. I had a few drinks and I know I've been eating healthy but not THAT healthy! A girl's got to cheat sometimes, you know? So yes, I'm happy about that.

You know what I'm not happy about though? The fact that my dog got me up at 7 AM this morning and when I went back to bed I woke up at 11 AM. Stupid Daylight Savings time. I hate it. I do. At least I don't have to work until 2 PM tomorrow, I have a special project thingie that I'm going to be at all day. Until 11 PM. That's a looooong day. Overtime is good though, especialy since I got that raise. Making over $20/hr on overtime is a good thing.

So much for painting the bathroom today. I'm pooped out so I think I'll just have a lazy day. Do some reviews, read some in my book and enjoy my clean house. Hubby should be home this evening around 6 PM and Mom and Dad are having us over for supper. She's making turkey. So that should be nice and tasty.

I almost brought home more kitties yesterday from the cat show and PetCo. There were two kitties, both girls named Daisy (all white) and Jasmine (all black) at PetCo, and they were so sweet they just melted my heart. But I must be rational. Between Hubby and I, 20 feet in the kitchen in the morning when I'm trying to make my breakfast is just to much.

3 cats x 4 feet = 12 + 1 dog x 4 feet = 16 + 2 humans x 2 feet = 20

That's a lot of dirt and fur to vacuum up every day, know what I mean? I could build another kitty out of the fur that I find each week. Especially since it's getting to be spring and they're all shedding quite badly. I must say though, Zeus is the worst culprit of them all.

Oh well. I need to go get busy. Think I'm going to walk over to Mom and Dad's, water my seeds and see what they're up to. Look for updates later on today or tomomrrow on DirtDiva! :)

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