Bad Friday - (2002-04-05, 7:43 a.m.)

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Please don't think that this is a "pity me" entry, but I'm just frustrated and at the end of my proverbial rope.

I miss my husband. I know that he's busy and that his schedule demands that he work in the evenings, but for God's sake, the only time that I've really seen him this whole week was Wednesday night when we went out for supper with my parents. Once he's at home, he either disappears out to the shop or back to the office to mess around on the computer or do something else. I can't remember the last time that we've gone out to do something just the two of us.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE spending time together with my parents (and am not counting that against the time that we spend together because we always have a wonderful time) but when we go out with friends it's like I don't get any attention whatsoever.

I'm getting used to going to bed by myself. In my bed with just the kitties. Nobody else. He has guard drill this weekend and it doesn't even phase me that he's not going to be home at all. It's the same difference lately.

I talked to him a little bit about it last night and he just got angry with me. I know that he's busy and that he has lots of things to do right now, but doesn't spending time with his wife sound like a priority? I'm getting lonesome and sometimes I feel like I live by myself. Thank goodness for my pets. :) Homer-kitty pays more attention to me than any of the rest of them too. He wanted to snuggle last night and I fell asleep with him mashed up against my back, and this morning he started to meow-squeak and wanted me to wrap my arms around him and snuggle. :) I love that in the morning.

So anyway, that's been my week. Fun stuff, right? Not really.

So for my weekend I have stuff planned that I want to do. Tonight we're going to see my neighbors band playing at a local bar. Saturday and Sunday one of my girlfriends and I are going to the local cat show, and I'm hoping to paint my little bathroom.

You know something else I hate on a totally separate note? When a customer calls and is angry, requesting a supervisor and then reiterates what you have told them totally backwards. Ugh. I hate that. At least our supervisors know that people do that all the time. Yuck.

I hope that your Friday is going better than mine is so far.

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