Allergies - (2002-04-03, 7:24 a.m.)

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This allergic reaction stuff is getting out of hand. I'm itchy all the time and it's not a whole lot of fun.

Perhaps it's the laundry detergent or my body soap that I'm starting to be allergic to. That's happened before. I used a great smelling lotion by Healing Garden (the green kind) and all of a sudden it started to produce an allergic reaction.

My Mom went to the grocery store yesterday and bought me some Dreft laundry detergent, and I'm going to get some Johnson's Baby Wash for dry and sensitive skin. I can't think of what else I would be allergic to all of a sudden, so I guess it's just be itchy until I figure it out. Not a really fun prospect, but I guess it's what I have to do. I'll have to talk to my doctor about having my allergies tested because this is getting ridiculous!

I took Benadryl last night and slept just about the whole evening and all through the night. I've been having nightmares, and I haven't for a long time. It's not fun. But at least I always have a fuzzy kitty right there by my pillow and a husband on my other side. Plenty of comfort on both sides! :)

In work news, they are planning on hearing from with regards to a contract by the end of the week. At the most if we get the contract they expect to have it implemented within 90 days, and probably less than that! So of course we're all excited about that.

Gosh I'm boring today.

My diet seems to be going well. I've been eating good for me food rather than convenience food, and keeping a lot of the sugar out of my diet. More fiber, more reasonable stuff. I hope that it works. :)

That's about all for today, I'm even starting to bore myself here.

Have a great Wednesday!

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