A Diet plan and snow - (2002-04-01, 7:21 a.m.)

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Who told Mother Nature that it was okay to snow on us 4 to 5 inches today? This is not okay. Not okay at all.

I almost slid off the road on the exit ramp from interstate too. I ended up going sideways. It's a good thing that my Dad made me drive on a frozen lake when I was younger, because instinct took over and I didn't end up in the ditch or with any damage from the curb. So I've had my excitement for the day, right?

I've decided that today is a good day to start a diet. Any suggestions on low carb low calorie food or recipies? Let me know any ideas that you might have.

This all came from the fact that we have to dress up today and I found that I don't fit into any of my dress pants. So I weighed myself? Ugh, 151.5. So it's time to start eating better and getting more exercise. I'll weigh myself every Monday and see what happens.

The C-anything that you can think of-O's from Very Large National Travel Website.com are going to be in our offcie today. This will be their last visit before they sign a contract with my company for service out of our office and another one in the ND/MN area. Big time job openings when this goes through, plus more team leader positions! That probably means a promotion to me. :) So of course this is a good thing, and hopefully by this summer I'll have a new job position!

Someone left a flower magazine/catalogue on my desk sometime between Friday and now too. I'm just known as a gardener around here, so I'm going to have to look at that today! Whoever did that I really appreciate it! Very cool. I'm happy that I have so many nice people that I work with in this office, it makes things so much more fun, you know?

I just can't believe that it's snowing out that much. Yuck. What a funny sense of humor Mother Nature has. Though I'm not finding this funny at all.

Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

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