Happy Easter! - (2002-03-31, 4:13 p.m.)

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We had Easter Breakfast over at my Mom and Dad's this morning. It was egg bake, and then we got our easter baskets. :) They were both full of SpongeBob SquarePants stuff!

I just really don't have a lot to talk about today, and I should go spend time with my family, so this one is going to be short.

Yesterday I fixed a friends website and did a few reviews. That's about all.

What a boring weekend. I'm boring myself here.

Oh, good old Easter story.

When I was a little kid, maybe five or so, my Mom put black jellybeans all over the house. When I got up, I asked her where the black jellybeans came from, and she told me that it was Easter bunny poop and that I had to follow his trail to get to my Easter basket. They even have a picture of me crawling around on the floor picking up the black jellybeans.

Ever since then I don't like black jellybeans. Maybe I'll just always associate them with Easter bunny poop. Even the smell makes me nauseous.

Funny things that parents teach their kids, no?

Have a wonderful Easter! :)

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