Male vs. Female - (2002-03-30, 1:00 p.m.)

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It's early afternoon and I've already taken a nap today. :) Of course my body told me that I needed to be up this morning at 7:00 AM, even though I was out last night until 1:00 AM.

We went out with a friend of Hubby's and played some crappy darts.

The thing is, I used to play in a dart league when I was in college, and did this for about two years. I haven't hardly touched darts since, except for a few times down at the corner bar on Quantico-town on base. So yes, Katress stinketh at darts now for sure.

By the end of the evening I seemed to get back into my groove, either that or it's the fact that I'm not supposed to drink when I'm on my meds and each drink for me is like two for anyone else. Add that combined with the fact that I'm kind of a cheap date anyhow, and three beers later I'm in the bag for sure.

At any rate, it was a very enjoyable night. I really like Hubby's friends, and I have to say that I've only met one that I hated. Everyone else has been wonderful and has been quickly added to my existing roster of friends.

It's so cute, he has this group of girls from high school that he is still wonderful friends with. I didn't really have girlfriends in high school, so it's been fun for me to get to know these lovely ladies as well. We've had abot six of them out for supper before, with Hubby being the only male in the house. He just loved it, and those ladies all treat him like a brother--needless to say he's in his element.

In the past I've chosen guys to be friends with over women for sure. Sometimes they get way to catty, and even though I'm kind of a girly-girl, I hate that superficial stuff with a passion. I would have rather lived with guys when I was in college as it would have made my life much easier.

Being a military wife living on base was really the first chance that I had to make women friends that I actually liked in my life. And I miss each and every one of them dearly.

And now all of Hubby's girl-friends from high school. :) I think for the first time in my life I may have just as many women friends as I do male.

That's something to think about, isn't it?

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