Vacation! - (2002-03-29, 10:03 a.m.)

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Woo hoo!

I have several reasons to be very happy today.

First of all, it appears as though Andrew has added the capacity to have 75 people on your favorites list! This is a good thing, since I have two diaries because I couldn't list all my favorites. I've also since found more, and have just been checking back at random, which isn't something that I would prefer as I feel like I might be missing something, you know?

Also I'm having my first day of real vacation since Christmas! :) We drew a la lotto yesterday at work in anticipation that it wasn't going to be busy and I got to have the day off! So far it's just been cleaning up around the house, but later I'm hoping to go to the mall and spend that Victoria's Secret gift certificate. A girl's gotta have pretty undies, you know? I'm a sucker for that stuff.

But really, how nice is it to get a day off unexpectedly? And it's mine to do with whatever I want! Not like when I was depressed or sick and just home lazing in bed. That's not all that fun, and it makes my back sore.

I might just stop by Bath and Body Works when I go out to the mall too. I love all that great smelling stuff, even if I can't use the body wash or the lotion. I go through antibacterial hand wash at my house like crazy. That and the linen spray. But I'm getting off track here. Can you tell that I don't want to clean my house?

But I should. Everyone's shedding--of the four footed variety anyway, and I need to go clean up after all of them.

Have a great Friday!

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