All kinds of stuff - (2002-03-26, 7:32 a.m.)

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There's lots of things that I want to talk about today.

First and foremost, I am a bit peeved. The lovely AlliBaba had been applying for a job at Origins, and told them about her wonderful website SkincareGirl and they turn around and copy it. This upsets me for many reasons, but mostly that AlliBaba is a wonderfully talented lady with some great ideas and they stole it! That's not okay in my book. *sigh* The world is just not fair some days though, and Hubby always tells me that I expect to much of people. I guess I expected to much of Origins.

In other news, Hubby got his second speeding ticket on the way home from work last night. This is just not good, the other one didn't hit his record (we think) as it was in ND, but MN speeding tickets are VERY expensive. We just don't need this right now after all the work that I've missed without pay due to depression and med goof ups and such.

I mean, we're both extremely aggressive drivers, with good reason. He did all of his driving as an adult in either Okinawa where the streets are super skinny and traffic is a nightmare, or in Washington DC. I had to re-learn how to drive when I moved out to DC to live with him. So as a result in our community of 150,000 or so and much rural area we drive much more aggressively than most people around here. I'm not scared to tailgate as you HAD TO in DC in order to get anywhere! Kiki and I have had a discussion about this too, and she says that I'm still right, although it's probably gotten worse over the Wilson Bridge.

Hubby is three months away from turning 25 and our insurance will go down substantially, and I just hope that this ticket doesn't goof that all up.

I tell you, lately if it's not one thing it's another!

Lastly, I found the most wonderful new product at Wal-Mart last night. It's Johnson's Baby Oil Gel. In Chamomile, much less! It smells wonderful, goes on nice and thick and my skin is super soft this morning. I've found a new wonder product! I love it when that happens.

I also bought some silk Wisteria to put in the vase on my table. We aren't able to grow Wisteria here, but it's soooo pretty. Had to have it, couldn't leave it at Wal-Mart. :)

Also, what's the deal with all the cryptic guestbook messages? Blaise has noticed a bunch and so have I. "Flitting about does no good in Walmart." What's up with that, Mr. Britches Are Big? If nothing else it gave me a giggle this morning, and it's by far one of the more normal guestbook messages that were left all around.

Oh, who knows.

Happy Tuesday everyone.

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